Blog Tour: Bitter Angel by Megan Hand – Review & Giveaway

Bitter Angel Tour Button

So thrilled to be part of this blog tour. ”Bitter Angel” is that kind of book you’ll never forget and I absolutely loved it<3

Before I show you my review, I’ll like to present you the book and the author:

Attractive young woman

Title: Bitter Angel

 Author: Megan Hand

 Release date: April 1, 2013

 Age Group: Mature Young Adult

 Genre: Contemporary/Thriller

 Tour organized by: AToMR Tours



 Barnes and Noble

 Book Description:

 Torn between two realities.
A choice that will mean life or death.
She won’t know anything… until she wakes up.
 College sophomore, Lila Spencer lived Friday night twice. She doesn’t know how or why, just that she did. As if she split in half and went in two different directions.
Out clubbing with her friends, Heather and Nilah, the girls rock it out and party hard. What begins as an innocent night will lead to a deadly fight for their lives, and Lila might be their only chance for survival.
 In bed with her boyfriend, Jay, Lila is safe and warm as she drifts to sleep in the arms of the man she loves. Until she is sucked into a horrifying nightmare of her friends’ deaths.
 As the sunlight warms her face on Saturday morning, the two scenarios collide. But there can be only one outcome. Will she wake up in her warm bed with Jay by her side, devastated and grieving for her friends? Or was she there to save them?
 The answer is just the beginning.

About the author:

megan hand

At twelve, Megan decided to write a novel. A month later, she quit. A reading junkie by nature, she started writing again in her twenties as a way to get the voices out, because who wouldn’t want to create a Real Living Person out of thin air? Megan also plays the piano and sings. She teaches little kids and takes pictures of pretty butterflies. She eats way too much chocolate, is sort of a mad scientist with her blender, and spends an unhealthy amount of time LOLing on Facebook and Twitter. She lives in Ohio with her husband and very smiley son. Bitter Angel is her first published novel.

Social Media links:

Twitter – @MeganHandWrites;

Website –

Facebook –

Goodreads –

Here you have my review:

Holy lemon!!! This book was just..WOW! It is that kind of book you can never forget. The plot was beyond my expectations (in a good way, of course), the characters were amazing, down on earth and very interesting and that cover, so simple but it definitely matches the book.

It was strange and she knew it. Lila lived Friday night twice. But, why? With what purpose? One time she went with her friends, Heather and Nilah, in an underground club and the second time she woke up near her sweet boyfriend Jay

Bad things were about to happen when Lila find out that her first ‘dream’ was just a vision. The kidnapping hasn’t happened yet and she must stop it from happening. This time was for real. Bad guys, drugs and a bad-ass heroine called Lila Spencer. She wasn’t crazy, she was in danger. Did she and her friends survive? You have to read the whole book to find out.

Like I already said, I am in love with ‘’Bitter Angel’’. Megan Hand did a great job with her debut novel and I can’t wait to see her future projects. I love her for writing this story, but mostly, I love her for creating Jay. He was the perfect boyfriend EVER! Sweet, sexy and omg, he was playing the guitar. I liked Lila as well, but Jay will always have a special place in my little beating heart<3

Overall, ‘’Bitter Angel’’ is a MUST READ! I highly recommend it for everybody. You’ll get wrapped in the story and you’ll beg for more in the end

As for the giveaway, you can enter HERE at an International contest and HERE at a US only contest 😀 The prizes are:

(2) Signed print copies of Bitter Angel – US Only

(1) Book themed t-shirt – US Only (

(1) $50 Gift Card to Amazon or Barnes and Noble – Open to countries that can use the online stores

(10) eBook copies of Bitter Angel – International




Concurs pe blogul lui Nely!!!

Un concurs minunat e in desfasurare pe blogul lui Nely Cab, autoarea cartii „Creatura” 🙂 Puteti castiga o copie semnata a cartii „Deus” 🙂 Aveti aici coperta si cateva date despre carte:

It’s the dawn of time and Deus is in charge of creating the entire Universe…only, creating things for no one but him to see is a bit pointless and truly lonesome. Deus molds Starr as a companion, but she could care less about Deus’s creations, being oblivious to the importance of it all. As if he didn’t already have the entire weight of the Universe on his shoulders—literally—now, he has to deal with an irritable and beastly girl. Deus might be immortal, but he fears Starr will be the death of him. In this never-ending love story, the fate of the future is anything but child’s play…or is it? Deus is a prequel novella that expands and enriches the realms in the Creatura Series by Nely Cab. The story will appeal to present fans and welcome new admirers to its world.
  • Paperback: 130 pages, approx. 19,024 words
  • Publisher: Nely Cab; 1 edition (April 30, 2013)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1482796112
  • ISBN-13: 978-1482796117
  • Product Dimensions: 8 x 5 x 0.3 inches


Nely Cab has a beautiful way with words. She creates an amazing world with poetic language that has no rival in modern story telling. In this story she uniquely portrays the creation of the world, it’s gods and the existence of humanity. ~Tia, The ShadowRealm , ✮✮✮✮✮
I wasn’t sure about it at first, since it was another part of the series with different characters… But I loved it. I laughed, I cried… Definitely a must read. Now I want to read Creatura again. ~Nix, Goodreads, ✮✮✮✮✮
Seeing life through Deus and Starr’s eyes is amazing. ~Mindy, Goodreads (Books Complete Me Blog) ✮✮✮✮✮
Pentru a va inscrie la concurs, intrati aici. Succes! :*

Pretty Little Liars pe ecranele din Romania

In sfarsit serialul realizat dupa cartile Sarei Shepard (Micutele Mincinoase) va aparea si pe ecranele din Romania 😀


Banuiesc ca deja ati auzit toti de serial, eu il ador 😉 Mai am 10 episoade din sezonul 3 dar mi-e frica sa ma uit pentru ca stiu ca o sa plang pana apare sezonul 4.

Ei bine, daca nu ati vazut serialul pana acum, eu zic sa-i dati o sansa. Puteti sa-l vedeti pe ProCinema de la ora 20:00 in fiecare seara (cred?) incepand cu data de 29 Mai. Serialul nu se prea aseamana cu cartile, doar prima carte practic se petrece in primul episod. Dar clar, serialul este mai bun 😉

Ce ziceti, va uitati?


Concurs Swag-uri

Cum am zis in postul de ieri, ca sa sarbatorim faptul ca am scapat de teze, o sa organizam un concurs cu swag-uri 😀 Sunt doua pachete mari (zic eu) de swag-uri surpriza de dat, deci inseamna ca vor fi doi castigatori 😉


Ce ziceti? Va inscrieti? :D Cerintele sunt foarte simple, doar lasati un comentariu care sa contina e-mailul cu care urmariti blogul si numele vostru adevarat.


Succes tuturor<3


Cover Reveal: „Darker Days” by Jus Accardo

I’m so happy to share with you the cover for „Darker Days” by Jus Accardo 🙂 Here we gooo…

Darker Days 900px cover-1


Jessie Darker goes to high school during the day, but at night she helps with the family investigation business. Cheating husbands and stolen inheritances? They’re your girls—but their specialty is a bit darker. Zombie in your garage? Pesky Poltergeist living in your pool? They’ll have the problem solved in a magical minute. For a nominal fee, of course…

When gorgeous new client, Lukas Scott, saunters into the office requesting their help to find a stolen box, it sounds like a simple case—until the truth comes out. The box is full of Sin.

Seven deadly ones, in fact.

They’ve got five days to recapture the Sins before they’re recalled by the box, taking seven hijacked human bodies with them. Easy peasy—except for one thing…

There’s a spell that will allow the Sins to remain free, causing chaos forever. When the key ingredient threatens the life of someone she knows, Jessie must make the ultimate choice between love and family—or lose everything.


“So not your biggest fan at the moment,” I said, closing the office door behind me. The runofffrom my jeans had soaked my sneakers pretty good. With each step, I gave a slight squishing noise accompanied by an annoying squeak against the old tile floor.

From across the room, Mom stared. “What happened to you?”
“It attacked me.” Tossing my bag on the couch, I sank into her chair and made sure to grind my butt into the cushion. Got it nice and wet. I was all about sharing the love—and right now, the love was soggy.
She laughed, waving a folder in my direction. “Surely you’re overreacting. It was one little zombie. They don’t attack people.”
“I’m serious, Ma. It tried to drown me. And the client assaulted me with ugly footwear. As far as punishments go, I’d say we’re probably square. I’ve learned my lesson.”
“You’re serious?” Amused expression now replaced by concern, she crossed the room and leaned over her desk to get a better look at me.
“As a coronary.” Once I was sure the chair had sponged up all it could, I stood and huffed past her. Pulling at my favorite T-shirt—the word Fate inside a blood red heart, is a four letter word on the back—I said, “Child welfare would not be happy to hear you tried to feed your only child to a walking corpse…”
“But why would it attack? Did you provoke it?” Folding her arms, she frowned. “Insult it, perhaps?”
I winked at her. “Provoke it? Sure. I went and wiggled my ass in front of it yelling lunch just to see what’d happen.” I’d called it Stinky, but that didn’t count as an insult. Something couldn’t be considered an insult if it was true, right?
Right eyebrow twitching, she fought against a smile. “But you’re okay, right? No bites, broken bones, head injuries, possessions…?”
I smiled and did a little twirl. “All in one piece and still me.”
Mom had a checklist she went through at the end of each job. I was known for taking almost as much damage as I inflicted.
“Oh, and you’re probably going to get a call from the client. I sorta smashed her fence in the process.”
Mom groaned. “I told you to be more careful.”
“It’s not like I tried to break anything.”
“Something tells me you didn’t try hard enough not to break anything, either.”
“In my defense, it wasn’t a simple trap and slap…”
“We can’t afford this.” She reached down and pulled a white envelope out from under a stack of papers. “This is the bill for that Mercedes you smashed.”
“Oh! So not my fault. How was I supposed to know that Spring Heel was gonna land on the car? If it makes you feel any better, I think he was aiming for my head…”
“If you keep this up, we won’t even be able to afford the rent.”
She was right, of course, and it made me feel horrible. “I’m sorry. I guess I’m a wrecking ball wrapped in blue jeans. Take my cut of this job and put it toward the repairs. Keep my paycheck for the next month, too.” A good start, but it didn’t feel like enough. Sure, it would cover the damages—I hoped—but I felt guilty about upsetting her. The bills that were piling up kept her awake at night. This was only going to make things worse. We got a fair amount of business, but the overhead in our line of work was sky high.
As much as I hated the idea, I knew what would cheer her up. “I’ll even throw in pet possessions for the next month.”


Copy of JusAccardo

JUS ACCARDO spent her childhood reading and learning to cook. Determined to follow in her grandfather’s footsteps as a chef, she applied and was accepted to the Culinary Institute of America. At the last minute, she realized her path lay with fiction, not food, and passed on the spot to pursue writing. Jus is the bestselling author the popular Denazen series from Entangled publishing and is currently working on the first book in a new adult series due out summer 2013. A native New Yorker, she lives in the middle of nowhere with her husband, three dogs, and sometimes guard bear, Oswald.





What do you think about the cover? I like it very much ❤ Thanks for stopping by! 🙂

„Iluzii” de Aprilynne Pike in curand la Litera

Înnodând firul cu volumul al doilea, cel de al treilea se deschide cu Laurel, zâna crescută printre oameni, ajunsă acum în clasa a douăsprezecea de liceu şi îndrăgostită în continuare de prietenul ei David, pe care l-a ales în defavoarea lui Tamani, spiritul înrudit din Avalon, tărâmul zânelor. Iată însă că Tamani apare din senin ca elev pasămite transferat (din Scoţia) la liceul unde învaţă Laurel, stârnind o lungă intrigă de gelozie şi conflicte cu David. Sosirea lui este legată de faptul ciudat că santinelele-zâne care o protejează pe Laurel nu mai reuşesc să prindă nici un trol în ultima vreme, cu toate că detectează constant urme ale trecerii lor. Tamani a fost trimis ca un fel de iscoadă în lumea oamenilor, după un stagiu de pregătire în Scoţia, pentru a participa la supravegherea mai îndeaproape a lui Laurel. El reuşeşte să respingă la un moment dat un atac al trolilor asupra grupului de adolescenţi, dar trolii dispar din nou fără urmă. Odată cu Tamani, la liceu soseşte şi Yuki, o elevă japoneză, care se dovedeşte a fi tot o zână – sălbatică, se pare, întrucât în afara Avalonului nimeni nu ştie să existe zâne neinventariate. Yuki a fost de fapt adusă de Klea, care pretinde că a scăpat-o de troli şi care o roagă pe Laurel să o ajute pe eleva nou-venită să se integreze. Deşi Yuki refuză avansurile lui Laurel, ea nu rezistă în faţa lui Tamani, faţă de care, parcă împotriva voinţei ei, începe să aibă sentimente, stârnind astfel gelozia lui Laurel. Laurel şi prietenii ei ştiu că Klea şi probabil Yuki ascund un secret, dar nu reuşesc să-l descifreze. Într-un final, Tamani şi Shar, mentorul său, descoperă o vrajă complicată care ascundea porţiunea de pădure unde dispăreau trolii, lucru care îi face să se întrebe cine ar fi putut concepe, dintre troli sau în cârdăşie cu ei, o asemenea vrajă. După ce Tamani descoperă în locul respectiv o substanţă stranie, în care Laurel, experimentând, reuşeşte să detecteze ingrediente din petale de zână, suspectul numărul unu este Klea, bănuită ea însăşi de a fi o zână mascată, aliată cu trolii pentru a se răzbuna pe Avalon. Între timp, sătulă de conflictele dintre cei doi tineri îndrăgostiţi de ea, Laurel se desparte de David şi se apropie de Tamani, fără a fi însă convinsă că poate să fie cu el. În finalul cărţii, grupul de adolescenţi descoperă că Yuki este de fapt o zână de iarnă, pe care o atrag într-o cursă pentru a o face inofensivă. Aceasta este scena finală. Ce înseamnă ea pentru personajele cărţii şi pentru Avalon urmează să aflăm din volumul al patrulea.

Shucked Book Blitz & Giveaway

ShuckedBlitzBannerI am so happy to be part of this book blitz. ”Shucked” is such a cute read (review later) and I’m pretty sure everybody will love it.

AND THE WINNER IS…DANIELA. Congrats, I’ll send you an e-mail soon 😀



And now I had to face math too? I prayed for a tornado or anything to whisk me away from this school. Instead, a boy stood in the doorway, blocking my entry to the classroom.
His back to me, all I could see was his stringy blond hair. I had the strangest urge to run my fingers through it – fingers covered with shampoo, that is. I shuddered at the grossness of it. What? Did he just get off the tractor before heading into school?
“Excuse me.” I nudged him with my knee as I ducked under the outstretched arm of the boy next to him. The other boy moved, maybe about a centimeter, as he turned his head to look down at me. Then I was struck.
Oh, Aphrodite, his eyes alone forced my stomach to plummet down to my toes. Gorgeous, dark brown Asian eyes. Who was this boy and what planet did he come from? He looked unlike every other midwestern homegrown pod person in this high school. My jaw dropped. My brain scrambled.
“Annyong hashimnikka.” I wanted to hit myself on the head with a blunt object. Stupid, stupid, stupid, speaking Korean instead of English.
“Huh?” he asked, a smile spread across his face. Dimples, there were dimples. “Did you just tell me good afternoon in Korean?”
I nodded.
“That’s cool.” He reached down and put his arm around my shoulder. “How’d you know I’m Korean?”
“I lived there for a year,” I stammered, struck by his eyes.
“My parents taught me a little here and there when I was growing up. Too bad there isn’t an opportunity for me to learn more with the Korean adoption groups in Chicago. There isn’t enough free time on the farm for that.”
My knees quivered as he led me over to an empty desk. What was wrong with me? Did my exile to cheerleading turn me into a weak-kneed teenage girl? I dropped my math book on the desk and gazed up at him.
“Long day?” he asked. “You look a little glassy eyed.”
Buddha give me strength. It was obvious. He knew.
“Leave her alone, Alex.” Becky elbowed her way between us. His arm slipped off my shoulders, leaving my skin hot and tingly. I wasn’t feeling well all of a sudden.
Maybe my vomiting fears were about to come true.
Alex turned around and skulked to the back row. He struck up a conversation with a geek next to him. A girl geek. Jealousy gnawed at my gut. I might need to kill Becky for sending him away.
“Sorry about Alex,” Becky said, rolling her eyes. “He’s such a player.”
“You think he’s a player?” I asked. “Really?”
“He’s dated almost every girl in school.” Becky drew quotes in the air when she said dated.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked, eyeing him again. He leaned over closer to the geeky girl and twirled a bit of her hair around his index finger. She giggled. I reached to my belt for a sword before I realized I wasn’t in taekwondo and that I wasn’t allowed to hurt unarmed geeks.
“He’s a serial dater. He’s different. He’s hot. He knows it. Everyone has fallen for him at one time or another. Anyway, Alex is trouble. Stay away from him.”

Q & A with the author:

Q: Why did you decide to write a contemporary YA after spending the last three years writing high fantasy with the Song of Eloh Saga?

A: Shucked has been floating around my brain for close to seven years, but I always wanted to be known as a fantasy author, so I kept pushing Tabitha to the side. In January, she decided to grab a hold of me and not let go.

Q: Why did you set the novel on a farm?

A: I grew up on a farm and have always wanted to write about life there. Shucked gave me a chance to do that. It was a lot of fun writing about some of the thing that were normal to me as a kid that aren’t normal to everyone else. I adore my farming community and loved incorporating that small town spirit into the book.

Q: Where did you come up with the idea for the cover? I love it!

A: It wasn’t easy. I have a fantastic cover designer, Steven Novak ( Usually he designs a cover, I say yes, and we’re done. This time I felt like the concept was a lot harder to nail down. He worked through four or five different version with me. I couldn’t be happier with the cover that you’re seeing now.

Q: Tell me about the title, Shucked.

A: Haha, that was another toughie. From the beginning, the file on my computer for this book was Adventure. It wasn’t until I became serious about publishing it that I realized I needed a unique title. I went through close to a hundred different ideas, but none of them felt right. Eventually I settled on Digging In. I figured it was the best I would come up with. About two weeks before publication, I finally had that stroke of brilliance with Shucked. Not only does it scream farm (shucking corn), it also is representative of what happens to Tabitha during the book (having her emotional layers peeled away), and there’s always the street meaning, which you can look up on Urban Dictionary if you want. Lol

Q: Will you write more contemporary novels?

A: I hope so! Right now I’m working on my next high fantasy, but Tabitha’s still in the back of my mind, begging for a continuation of her story. While Shucked easily works as a stand-alone novel, I think we all know that no one’s story really ever ends. There’s always tomorrow.

As for the giveaway, just comment here with your e-mail and a thoughtful opinion about the post, and you’re entered to win an e-copy of Shucked and 3 amazing bookmarks!

Thanks for stopping by<3



Playing Hooky Blog Tour: Review

PlayingHookyTourBannerSo excited to be part of this blog tour. Playing Hooky by Rita Webb is a fantastic read that I’m pretty sure it will please everybody. Here you have my review:

HookyI love this crazy book with all my heart<3 Wish it were longer than 100 pages. I highly recommend it, it’s a short read who will make you really happy. And let me tell you that I ADORE the cover. Believe me, it is perfect for the story.
”Playing Hooky” was something new to me. Rita Webb introduces us in the circus’ world, a world where elves, sirens and unicorns are something normal.
On Valentine’s Day, Jason took Emma in a special place, the circus. Jason is Emma’s best friend and he really loves her (and Emma loves him), but he never told her the truth. Here, Emma discovered that Jason isn’t normal either, he has a complicated past behind his back. 
A unknown girl stole the siren to get her blood for a love potion (crazy idea, isn’t it?. Only Emma and Jason could get her back and this was when their new adventure began. But the surprise is when they find the girl, who is Emma’s little sister, Angelina. Why did she steal the siren’s blood? For who? And most important, how far would she go to hurt Emma?Like I already said, this book was crazy, full of action and a little bit of romance. I want to read more about the couple Emma and Jason, they were so cute together. They deserve a happily ever after






–Barnes & Nobles:

Thanks for stopping by and I really hope you’ll give this book a chance. It is worth it!<3




Precomenzi LEDA

Ne pare rau ca nu am mai postat, dar ne bucuram si noi de gustul dulce al vacantei 🙂 Leda vine in forta si aduce link-urile de precomanda a doua carti superbe 🙂

„Reactie in Lant” de Simone Elkeles


Si cartea „Cand esti Vrajitoare” de Carolyn MacCullough


Va precomandati cartile? Si, ce parere aveti despre noul aspect al blogului? Va place sau era mai frumos celalalt?