Review: Tokyo Hearts by Renae Lucas-Hall

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Well, this book was a good surprise for me. I just loved the story and I want to read more about Takashi and Haruka. They were amazing, even though they had to pass through some difficult obstacles to be together.
Besides that, I found out a lot of things about Japan and the Japanese culture. Renae’s idea (mixing a love story with the Japanese culture) was very original and I don’t think I will have the opportunity to read another book like TOKYO HEARTS again. I can still remember the beautiful places the author described when she had written the book

Coming back to Takashi and Haruka, I can honestly say that they were my favorite characters from the book. They were so cute together<3 She was exactly Takashi wanted – a beautiful girl with a good heart. At the beginning, Haruka annoyed me because she couldn’t see how much Takashi loved her. She was too busy to meet her ex boyfriend, Jun and his gruesome mother. Jun was a completely jerk and I hated him. He played with Haruka’s heart and family and then he didn’t do nothing to apologize. Later, Haruka realized that she loves Takashi but she was afraid that he wouldn’t be able to give her the life she deserved.
Time passed and things changed in everybody’s lives. Takashi’s grandma let him a fortune when she died and now he is able to give Haruka what she really deserves. And the most important thing is that Takashi and Haruka are finally together
The ending was perfect. Oh, I never wanted to say goodbye to all the characters, but it was inevitably. Thanks a lot Renae, for giving me the opportunity to know and love them.

Overall, TOKYO HEARTS is a beautiful love story and I recommend it to you. Renae Lucas-Hall is a very talented author and I really like her writing style. Can’t wait to read her next book, the sequel of TOKYO HEARTS TOKYO DREAMS Unfortunately, I have to wait until 2014.
So, read and love this book. You won’t be disappointed. Plus, I think you will want to visit Japan after you read it (just like I did).



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