Unbreak My Heart de Melissa C. Walker


Sophomore year broke Clementine Williams’ heart. She fell for her best friend’s boyfriend and long story short: he’s excused, but Clem is vilified and she heads into summer with zero social life. 

Enter her parents’ plan to spend the summer on their sailboat. Normally the idea of being stuck on a tiny boat with her parents and little sister would make Clem break out in hives, but floating away sounds pretty good right now. 

Then she meets James at one of their first stops along the river. He and his dad are sailing for the summer and he’s just the distraction Clem needs. Can he break down Clem’s walls and heal her broken heart?

Told in alternating chapters that chronicle the year that broke Clem’s heart and the summer that healed it, Unbreak My Heart is a wonderful dual love story that fans of Sarah Dessen, Deb Caletti, and Susane Colasanti will flock to.

Desi coperta este simpla, mie imi place foarte mult :X. Si ideea cartii e draguta, dar nu ma impresioneaza in mod deosebit 😀 Voua cum vi se pare ”Unbreak My Heart”?

7 gânduri despre „Unbreak My Heart de Melissa C. Walker

  1. Dragutza Vale spune:

    deci..nush despre ce e vb dar ador coperta!rozul ala palid…il ador!

    • furelise spune:

      Sa-ti spun, din ce am inteles eu. Clem s-a indragostit de iubitul celei mai bune prietene, el este iertat, iar Clem nu. Asa ca ea accepta sa-si petreaca vacanta impreuna cu familia ei, pe mare. La prima oprire il intalneste pe James, care navigheaza si el pe mare impreuna cu tatal sau. Ce rezulta de aici, probabil o frumoasa poveste de dragoste 🙂

  2. bianca spune:

    e super coperta exact cum ai zis si tu simpla, dar de efect

  3. bianca spune:

    titlul e foarte comun gasesti o gramada de carti cu acelasi titlu

  4. bianca spune:

    suna interesant cartea cred ca as citi-o daca as face rost de ea

  5. bianca spune:

    hey am gasit-o ebook daca o vrea cineva

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